Before an order is marked as 'shipped', TheMarket allows you to request a cancellation of your order (or part of your order). If the store is able to successfully cancel the order, you will receive a full refund of any payments you have made for that order. Please note that requesting a cancellation does not guarantee it will be cancelled and is subject to the store accepting your request. TheMarket cannot stop an order from being shipped when the goods are sold by a 3rd party store.
Once the request is reviewed and actioned, an email notification of the outcome will be sent to you.
NOTE: If a cancellation request is pending and an order has shipped, the items/order will have to be processed as return instead once received.
Submitting a cancellation request
If your order is in a Paid or Confirmed Status, you may create a request for the item or order to be cancelled.
1. Go to My Account then My Orders
2. Click View Order next to the order you wish to cancel. This will take you to the order summary page
3. Click Cancel Item next to the item/s you wish to cancel
4. On the Cancel Item page, select the reason you wish to cancel the item and include a brief description. Click Submit.
You're done!
You can check the status of the request by selecting the View Request link, but we'll also send you an email with the outcome of your cancellation request.
Please note that creating a cancellation request doesn't guarantee your order will not be shipped, but we'll do our best to get in touch with the seller to stop it being sent.
If the cancellation request is accepted, you will receive a full refund of the order.
NOTE: If applicable, the delivery fee is non-refundable.